If you are supplying us with a PDF file to print, make sure your fonts are embedded and outlined in the artwork. This will ensure that your fonts will appear correctly. Custom fonts in letter or envelopesYou must supply us your fonts if you plan to use non-standard/custom fonts for the variable portion in your job. The variable portion is the part of your job that changes; for instance, the name and address of the recipients on the letter or envelope. You will need to upload your font file with the rest of your files after you place the order. We will also need your font files if you are using such fonts in your letter in Ms Word. You must notate exactly which portion of the artwork will be using the custom fonts if you are supplying us with Ms Word files. We only accept Windows True Type fonts with .ttf extension. Only these fonts are considered standard in our system, everything else is considered custom font. Using custom font in the "non-variable" portion of the artwork is NOT a problem. You do not need to supply us with the font files since you will be embedding the fonts in your PDF artwork. This is only possible in PDF files; you can NOT embed fonts in Ms Word files. You must supply us font files if you are using custom fonts in Ms Word as explained above.
Possible font licensing limitationsFont files have different levels of usage permissions (aka licensing levels). This permission is set by the creator of the font and you can find it in the "End-User License Agreement" that is attached to every font you download or purchase. For instance, a creator of a font may allow the font to be shown properly on screen and be used in personal level applications (e.g. Ms Word) but not to be used in commercial settings. Many of the free fonts you download may have a free personal license but will not allow commercial usage. We need commercial permission to use your custom font that is being applied to a variable data. A common situation is that you'll be able to print your font in Ms Word but we won't be able to use your font in our system for the variable data portion of your job. You will be notified if such a problem exists with your custom font(s). In such cases, you will either need to change your font to a standard font or purchase a version of the font with commercial licensing. Licensing only becomes an issue when you want us to use a custom font for a variable portion of your print job. If a custom font looks and prints fine on your computer and you do not have any variable data, then you can simply outline your fonts in your artwork as explained here and your fonts will look fine after we print. |