There are many different ways small businesses can advertise the products and services they offer, but many are choosing to advertise with booklets. While it doesn’t matter what type of booklet is created, that booklet should include a branded logo as well as contact information for that small business. Here are 10 different booklet printing and marketing ideas for small businesses and organizations.

1) Catalogue Booklet: A well-known type of booklet is the catalog. Many retail-based companies might consider creating a catalog booklet that includes examples of some of their best products.

2) Comic Booklet: A graphic designer or illustrator could create a comic booklet. This can be used as a portfolio and might contain some short comics and other graphics, as well as contact information for the designer’s clients to see.

3) Coupon Booklet: A retail business could create a coupon booklet. A retail store would be a great example of a small business that could benefit from a coupon booklet. This booklet should be created with coupons that will appeal to customers and be economically viable for the business.

4) How-To Booklet: Some businesses may want to consider creating a how-to booklet. For example, a greenhouse could create an informational how-to booklet on how to care for some of the plants that are available in their greenhouse.

5) Journal Booklet: A journal booklet is meant for customers and clients to write in and use. Some journal booklet ideas might include a nutrition company that creates a food diary or a publishing company that creates a journal booklet with prompts and editing notes for writers.

6) Kids Booklet: If a small business’s target audience happens to be kids, like a toy store might, they could consider creating a kids booklet filled with stories and activities, like crossword puzzles and mazes.

7) Photo Booklet: Any small business that relies heavily on photography should consider creating a photo booklet. A wedding photographer could take their best wedding photos and create a photo booklet with their brand and contact information to help garner interest from potential clients.

8) Recipe Booklet: A small business in the food or food services industry might consider making a small recipe booklet. Combined with great photos of the food, a recipe booklet is a unique way for small businesses in the food industry to advertise their products and services.

9) Travel Booklet: A small business in the travel industry might create a small travel guide. Even a short guide with photos and the top 5 or 10 things to do at a popular destination can be a useful booklet for any travel-related company.

10) Technical Booklet: Small businesses focusing on technology or technical industries can create a technical booklet. For example, a safety company could create a small booklet demonstrating various safety procedures and policies for its clients. Booklets are a great and creative way for small businesses to advertise their products and services and connect with their customers and clients.

Hopefully these booklet ideas can help to spark a few creative booklet ideas for your small business. Do you need some help turning your print marketing ideas into a reality? We can help answer any question you may have about unique sizes, custom inks, and papers for your booklet printing project. Just give us a call at 866-558-6365 or visit our website at to get a free quote.