Think about a time when you got a piece of marketing mail that caught your eye. Maybe you laughed a little. Perhaps you were excited about a coupon. Perhaps you even put the piece of mail on your fridge.


 You might not remember the bad direct-mail marketing materials you receive, but you probably remember the good ones. In the competitive business world, effective marketing is crucial. Expanded envelope printing can make your direct mail campaigns stand out. That said, choosing the right printing service can be challenging. This article supplies three tips for selecting expanded envelope printing services. Continue reading to find out how to find services that suit your business needs.  

1. Look for Experience and Expertise

Consider the experience and ability of the printing company. Find a provider with a good record in producing high-quality printed materials. You might also look for some experience in creating customized envelopes. Look at samples of their work and read customer reviews to see if they have a good reputation. You can check for reviews on Yelp, Facebook, and Google. If you know any other business owners, ask them about their favorite commercial printing providers. A reputable printing service is more likely to deliver excellent results.  

2. Check Printing Capabilities and Technology

Evaluate the printing capabilities of the company. Advanced equipment ensures correct colors, sharp images, and professional finishes. Make sure they offer customization options such as assorted sizes, formats, and paper types. You should be able to find this information on the company's website. The provider should also be able to incorporate printing options like logos and graphics. Consider their ability to handle large print volumes and meet your direct mail deadlines. The last thing you want is a provider that delivers your envelopes too late. Be sure to ask about their ability to deliver large orders. You might not think you need a large order now, but there may come a day when you do. As your business grows, you want to have a printing services provider you can rely on. Start developing that relationship now so you have it handy when you need it.  

3. Seek Excellent Customer Service

Good customer service is crucial. The printing company should communicate effectively, understand your needs, and supply tailored solutions. You should observe how they communicate. This includes the time in which you're just shopping around for printing services. The printing services provider should be responsive and helpful throughout the printing process. Prompt customer service is important to address any issues that may arise. Also, check their delivery options to ensure secure and prompt shipping.  

Top Tips for Expanded Envelope Printing

Take your time to research and compare different expanded envelope printing providers. Following these three tips will help you select a printing service that meets your needs. If you need printing services now, go ahead and get a custom quote from the expert team at i.t.i Direct Mail.