For small businesses, it can be difficult to come up with an effective marketing strategy that doesn't cost you a fortune. A lot of marketing ideas that seem cost effective may not work in getting your business the attention it needs. There are some great, cheap ways to spread the word about your business and attract new customers and clients. Postcard marketing is inexpensive, easy, and can work well as an advertising strategy if done correctly. In this post, we'll discuss the best postcard marketing ideas so you can have an effective marketing strategy and boost your sales.

5 Killer Postcard Marketing Ideas

Postcard marketing may not sound like the most attractive way to advertise your business, but its inexpensive and can be effective if you do it right. If you follow these postcard marketing tips, you'll find success.

1. Advertise Sales Promotions

If you want to let people know about a one-time sales promotion at your business, it is ideal to use postcards to market the event. Postcards are great for sales promotions because you'll only need them for this one instance, and you can spread the word to a ton of people at once. All you need to do is detail the sales promotion on the postcard, and mail them out to new and existing customers. You can also give them to local businesses where people can pick them up and learn about your promotion.

2. Promote Business Events

If your company is throwing an event, such as a launch party or customer appreciation, the best way to let them know is by sending out postcards. Postcards are a great way to send out invitations. By giving out physical invitations instead of digital ones, your customers will know you care about them and will be more likely to attend.

3. Holidays and Birthdays

Show your existing customers and clients how much you care about them by sending postcards during the holidays and on their birthdays. This is an easy and cheap way to market your business while making your customers feel appreciated. This is a great way to keep your customers loyal and much less likely to take their business to your competitors.

4. Customer Rewards

Nothing keeps customers loyal like giving them special promotions and discounts at your business. Send them discounts via postcard, letting them know about a special sale just for their loyal customers. This shows that you care about their business, and rewards your customer base for shopping at your store which will keep them coming back in the future.

5. Refer-a-Friend

Word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to attract new customers. Give your existing customers an incentive to tell their friends about your business by sending out refer-a-friend postcards. The postcard will have the customer name on it and if they give it to a friend who uses it at your business, they will both get a discounted deal. It's a great way to keep your existing customers happy while attracting new customers to your business.

For More Information

Postcards are inexpensive and can make for a killer marketing campaign if used correctly. Not only can they make your current customers happy, but they will help spread the word to new customers as well.

For more information about how postcard marketing ideas that will help boost your sales, contact us today.


Revised June 14, 2024