Imagine how it felt back in the day to receive hand-addressed mail or postcard from your loved one. There was nothing as special as having your name or address in handwritten ink on an envelope. We do not see a lot of handwriting around these days, which is precisely why we recommend using it to make an impression among the multiple direct mail pieces a consumer receives every day.

You can use this technique in direct marketing to make your mail pieces stand out, make recipients feel special, and get your mail pieces opened. A consumer will acknowledge the time and effort that has been put to personalize the letter and will undoubtedly take time to open the envelope and see what is in it.

In today's economy of email overload, businesses have to figure out ways to convince the prospect that their mail pieces are worth opening. An average American receives loads of direct mail in any given year. Most of them are sent in either flashy envelopes or standard windowed envelopes with the recipient's address printed on them. Most people will ignore this kind of mail as it is viewed as being impersonal and generic. Hand-written prints have the powerful advantage of personalizing the look of your envelope and the ability to catch the reader's attention much faster than other pieces of mail. In fact, independent research studies have shown that an estimated 99.2% of consumers open hand addressed mail, as opposed to the 15% to 21% that open traditional printed direct mail. Better opening rates will result in higher response rates and increased sales.

Advanced Technology

We have state-of-the-art machines that can recreate real, high-quality handwriting for your mailing needs. Our inkjet addressing machines accurately apply the handwritten look of addresses to the envelope in blue ink. We can print your logo and return address in colored ink as well. We get a lot of intensive labor work done in a short period of time as compared to having a crew of people hand addressing manually. The results are amazingly good, and most people can't even tell the difference between machine-applied hand addressing as opposed to the real thing.

Why Choose iti Direct Mail For Your Hand Addressing Needs?

Each mailing project is unique. We offer hand addressed envelope marketing options to fit any campaign you may need. Not only do our hand addressed envelopes get opened, but they also get read. We use a variety of high-resolution fonts that resemble natural handwriting to address the recipient's name and address on the envelopes. Additionally, we make handwritten letters, comments and notes on any printed material, working closely with you to ensure that each of your handwriting projects are a success. We do not charge for this service. All that is required is a minimum order of our usual 50 pieces to qualify for the service. It is a great way to convey your message to your targeted customers and get impressive results in return.

We look forward to discussing with you how we can improve your open rates and increase your ROI. Contact us today to talk about your next direct mail campaign with hand addressing services included.


Revised June 14, 2024