Technology has taken over in business these days, but when it comes to standing out sometimes less is more. Simple gestures can make a big impact on prospects and customers. One of these gestures is handwritten envelope addressing. In an environment when everything is sent digitally, it can be refreshing to receive a personalized letter that someone took the time to personally address. Let us look into how to stand out with handwritten envelopes using these tips. 

Choose Envelopes that Stand Out 

What do you do when you get junk mail? You most likely toss it out unopened. If you're sending cold direct mail to prospects you want to ensure it doesn't end up in the trash bin. To do this, use colorful envelopes that stand out and grab attention. Consider choosing textured envelopes as well, on heavy cardstock. Doing so creates interest, shows that whatever is inside is worth checking out and reduces the chance of your mailer ending up in the garbage. Selecting the best envelopes is the first step in your handwritten envelope and will help ensure your content gets a glance, so they can take in your beautiful penmanship. Which brings us to the next point...

Use Your Best Penmanship 

Now is not the time to rush through your handwriting. Your envelope is the first impression you make on your prospects and determines whether they will read the content inside. Ensure that you use your best penmanship, so they do not struggle to read who it is from. You want to make this process as simple as possible, so you do not lose them before they have even checked out the information inside. 

Timeliness Is Key 

When you send someone a handwritten note the point is to grab their attention and make them remember you. It is likely if this is not a cold mailer, you are following up on a prospect that you recently spoke with and want to get them a step closer toward becoming a customer. Timeliness is key here. If you're sending out handwritten content after a conference, don't let too much time pass before you send it. By keeping your business fresh in your prospects mind, you will further your chance of not just having your content read, but in gaining a new customer. 

Use Real Stamps 

Authenticity is key here. A handwritten note evokes a sense of nostalgia for many. Using real stamps goes along with your handwritten envelope and lowers the chances of your content being discarded. Add a personalized touch by hand stamping your envelopes to complete the personalized touch you have worked so hard for. 

Try Handwritten Envelope Addressing in Your Business 

Using handwritten envelope addressing is the first step in direct mail pieces that get opened. Lower the risk of your mail pieces ending up in the trash by giving a good impression from the get-go. Looking for more tips to amp up your direct mail marketing strategy? Contact us today and see how we can help. 


Revised June 14, 2024