On an average day, any one customer can interact with dozens of companies. Between the apps they use and the places they visit, there are many different companies trying to get the attention of the average customer. How do you stand out from the crowd? The answer to your problems could lie within handwritten notes. Handwritten notes are creative, elegant, and personal. Interested in seeing what kind of handwritten craft you can manage? We have some examples down below. 

The Basics of Handwritten Notes

All text on handwritten notes should  be handwritten. From the address  on the envelope to the letter itself. You want this to show the reader the effort you are putting forth. Machine printed letters can give the reader an impersonal feeling. Personalized stationery can help. Secondly, keep the greeting and closing relaxed and sincere. Instead of hello, try hey. Instead of sincerely, try best or warm regards. The last thing to remember is to keep it as personal as possible. This means using personal names as much as you can. Writing to a business? Find out the manager's name who you are directing the letter  to.

1. The "Answering a Sales Question" Script

When a customer, prospective or otherwise, contacts you about an important question about your product or service, it helps them feel wanted to respond with more than help. A letter for this could read, "Thank you so much for getting in touch with us. We hope we answered your question fully and I hope you are eager to contact us again in the future. We appreciate you as a customer." You can tweak this for answering a problem or an issue that is still in the process of resolution.

2. The "Welcome Aboard!" Script

New customers are always a fantastic time! You want to always put your best foot forward, and that means a welcoming and sincere handwritten note. A letter for this could read, "It is an honor to have you aboard [NAME]! We are brimming with excitement for you to join us and hope this partnership excites you as much as it does us." Be careful with seeming too eager, but don't hold back from expressing sincere happiness.

3. The "Thank You Resolution" Script

Whether it is a resolution of a complaint or a great success of a transaction, you want to celebrate milestones in your relationships with your customers. A letter for this could read, "We thank you so much for working with us. Your support and concerns have strengthened us as a company. We hope this experience has improved your status as a customer!"

4. The "Special Occasion" Script

There are plenty of moments that deserve a bit of celebrating. Whether it is the joy of the holidays or a specific anniversary, a quality note can bring a bit of extra cheer to the moment. A letter for this could read, "Happy [SPECIAL OCCASION]! The celebrations have been warm and happy because of dear customers like you. We hope you are enjoying yourself as well." If you are very in touch with your customers, you can even do this for special events in their lives, like birthdays.

5. The "Saying Hi" Script

Writing a handwritten note for special occasions or specific events is easy. It can feel like another step in the process. What can stand out the most is a random greeting from you to your customers. A letter for this could read, "We all here at [COMPANY NAME] are happy to have you with us as we push forward day after day. It is customers like you, [NAME] that make it all worthwhile. Thank you for being with us!"

Marketing with A Handwritten Flourish

Handwritten notes are a unique spin on getting in touch with your customers. The surprise at getting such a personal touch will make you memorable at the very least. Making sure you get the right dose of personalization can be tough. We here at ITI direct mail are happy to guide you through every step of the way. Contact us today for more information!


Revised June 17, 2024